Ocean-Float Curricula

Copyright © 2023-2025 Suzanne Maxx All Rights Reserved

The Ocean-Float experience is a mind, body, spirit, and soul-enriching adventure of purification, exercise, relaxation, meditation, and learning.  Join us for an Ocean-Float on the surface of the open Ocean, balanced in waters’ movement.  

This Ocean Float technique is for experienced swimmers who want to learn new curricula for a whole-being workout, and/or get certified to teach. Through World Team Now’s Ocean-Float technique, we will exercise and strengthen each of the body’s systems. We can improve our depth of breath and pulmonary lung functions. Breath exercises grow our lungs’ capacity, and improve our respiratory systems as unlike fish, crabs and lobsters, who can breathe underwater, we can transform.   Through consciousness, awareness, and balanced breath we learn an all system workout, i.e. the cardio regulates our metabolism, and body’s warmth in the water. We learn through the Ocean-Float more about nature including our own human nature, and all biodiversity who claim the Ocean and atmosphere as home.  Come to love, feeling more at home within Oneself and in the Ocean, during the Ocean-Float.

This original technique came from years of experience with the Ocean, where the water guided the way. Over the years, what emerged transcended the sports exercises, stretching, yoga and Nei Kung, and the organic Ocean-Float stances, and positions emerged, which provided a soothing contemplative medium where peaceful freedom from one’s mind and body, became easier to attain. Often when a certain light consciousness is reached while floating above the water, wild dolphins, whales and other cetaceans would choose to join, elevating our frequency of presence. Within the slowing down, stillness and transcendence of the five senses, the Ocean calibrates one’s body to a higher form of health and well-being.  One is open to be cleansed, so the highest essence can rise, within and through to reset one’s being.  Our intuition and higher senses exercised are attuned to the frequency that has been known to attract our goals to us, like the experience of living an awakened dream. The Ocean-Float curricula is designed to support optimal health, again for the whole being with the water as a conduit to connect and heal.

Sensory deprivation or floatation tanks introduce the concept of altered states, and transcendence of the body-mind nexus. Full immersion in the salt moving Ocean water, in sunlight, requires a deeper intimacy with nature; a trust and communion with one’s essence of being in body, and respect of other species, while being in a larger body, the Ocean.

Without a surf or boogie board, plastic noodle, boat, raft, snorkel, floatation, fins or breathing devices, one can learn to come to be in better balance within a body, and be calibrated higher by the Ocean.  This Ocean Float technique builds upon the conductivity of water, to be a conduit of one’s spirit and soul’s union clichéd as “go with the flow”.  In the Ocean-Float we exercise feeling comfortable enough to transcend fears or limitations.   Discovery comes from embracing the culture of the Ocean and allowing the wisdom, within and coming through many of the regulatory systems of the body; freedom in movement.  As the Ocean Float can reset, renew and re-calibrate to gain freedom from one’s mind, working out each system of the body, and go beyond.  Exercise this transcendent state and be open to the freedom of the cleansing properties that the warm salt water has been known for in Ocean-Float health benefits. In the open Ocean float technique, there is opportunity for an immersion and clearing, with what it might be perceived to be as one, through conductivity.

The Ocean-Float sessions and clinics raise awareness about the nexus between the Ocean-Atmosphere-Land conditions— the triune connected consciousness.  Spontaneous interactions with all forms of life— allow us to learn about biodiversity and apply principles of physics, in a real-time setting. The Ocean Float is the font, or stance to learn more about nature and science while in the Ocean-body.

We are on the cusp of embracing many mysteries of the Ocean, and the connection the Ocean has to our physical bodies also being mostly water, just like planet Earth. For swelling-edema, and soothing, the powerful calm of the Ocean-Float’s peaceful serene environment allows the healing benefits of being near the Ocean, in or Floating on the surface provides for therapy of the mind, body and spirit. 

The Float Ocean Curricula emerged out of generational loving experiences early on, in the Ocean. Contemplating an Ocean to love and witnessing the changing state of the Ocean’s health and humanity’s health we have a chance to take greater care of our home planet, and our bodies. The inquiry of imagining if all people were able to experience the Ocean and fall in love with the freedom from the water inspired this natural based solution with the Ocean-Float curricula. We cry salt water, and we are mostly water, as this is true of our planet Earth. The Ocean-Float consists of contemplative meditative positions, postures, and a dozen of therapeutic exercises. Age and skill appropriate learning modules and lesson plans are included in the Ocean-Float curricula.  The Ocean-Float curricula address the ten major systems; the skeletal, muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive and nervous systems.

The body/mind can often toggle between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; the sympathetic giving rise to “fight or flight” responses.  The restful states from the parasympathetic nervous system can be induced from the Ocean-Float.  We are on the cusp of proving and truly understanding more about the Ocean-Float related to the healing of conditions, diseases, trauma, injury, addiction and aging.  Coming into balance in the saltwater with one’s body affords an opportunity to have a reset of the physical body systems, a clearing of the mind, and the chance to align with the soul-spirit that moves us. 

The Ocean-Float in the water’s warmth induces the womb environment.  The Ocean-Float open air environment offers an unprecedented opportunity for a state of relaxation, observation, and education.  Here one has the chance to overcome and confront fears, to re-pattern the brain and take advantage of the miraculous cleansing properties the Ocean can offer to heal. From the floating font, the body can come into a relaxed state.  Relaxation opens to advance more float positions to open one’s body to nature’s rhythms and the natural environment while using the Ocean-Float as a healing modality.

Location:  The Ocean Float Clinics and Sessions begin on the shore and take place mostly out in the open Ocean, using one’s body to align with the Ocean surface and float.  The open Ocean float setting affords organic lessons to emerge from the ever changing tide and rhythms as we learn how to better forecast, watch, listen, honor, and respect.  Our sessions and clinics are mixed between complete stillness, relaxation and floatation postures, exercises and learning.  We will learn to use our body as a vessel to explore Ocean-Float.

In summary, the Ocean-Float curricula induce relaxation, stretching, and strengthening by working out through water resistance and tidal-wind pull.  Exercises work through high heart rate repetitive movements from Open Ocean Float’s original curricula and technique. 

Continued education on species biodiversity, climate observation and Ocean-Atmosphere-Land nexus inspire an ongoing experiential education. Physics, governing laws, culture and nature are explored, and the Law of the Sea is discussed to better take care of our bodies, the land, and the Ocean.

Malama ka ‘aina i ke kai (take care of the land and ocean). With Aloha!

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